Module genshin.client.components.base

Base ABC Client.


class BaseClient (cookies: Union[ForwardRef('http.cookies.BaseCookie[Any]'), Mapping[Any, Any], str, Sequence[Union[ForwardRef('http.cookies.BaseCookie[Any]'), Mapping[Any, Any], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, *, authkey: Optional[str] = None, lang: str = 'en-us', region: Region = Region.OVERSEAS, proxy: Optional[str] = None, game: Optional[Game] = None, uid: Optional[int] = None, hoyolab_id: Optional[int] = None, device_id: Optional[str] = None, device_fp: Optional[str] = None, headers: Union[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[multidict._multidict.istr, str], multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict, multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, multidict._multidict.istr], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, cache: Optional[BaseCache] = None, debug: bool = False)

Base ABC Client.

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class BaseClient(abc.ABC):
    """Base ABC Client."""

    __slots__ = (

    USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36"  # noqa: E501

    logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    cookie_manager: managers.BaseCookieManager
    cache: client_cache.BaseCache
    _lang: str
    _region: types.Region
    _default_game: typing.Optional[types.Game]

    uids: dict[types.Game, int]
    authkeys: dict[types.Game, str]
    _hoyolab_id: typing.Optional[int]
    _accounts: dict[types.Game, hoyolab_models.GenshinAccount]
    custom_headers: multidict.CIMultiDict[str]

    def __init__(
        cookies: typing.Optional[managers.AnyCookieOrHeader] = None,
        authkey: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        lang: str = "en-us",
        region: types.Region = types.Region.OVERSEAS,
        proxy: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        game: typing.Optional[types.Game] = None,
        uid: typing.Optional[int] = None,
        hoyolab_id: typing.Optional[int] = None,
        device_id: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        device_fp: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        headers: typing.Optional[aiohttp.typedefs.LooseHeaders] = None,
        cache: typing.Optional[client_cache.BaseCache] = None,
        debug: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self.cookie_manager = managers.BaseCookieManager.from_cookies(cookies)
        self.cache = cache or client_cache.StaticCache()

        self.uids = {}
        self.authkeys = {}
        self._accounts = {}

        self.default_game = game
        self.lang = lang
        self.region = region
        self.authkey = authkey
        self.debug = debug
        self.proxy = proxy
        self.uid = uid
        self.hoyolab_id = hoyolab_id

        self.custom_headers = parse_loose_headers(headers)
        self.custom_headers.update({"x-rpc-device_id": device_id} if device_id else {})
        self.custom_headers.update({"x-rpc-device_fp": device_fp} if device_fp else {})

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        kwargs = dict(
            default_game=self.default_game and self.default_game.value,
            uid=self.default_game and self.uid,
            authkey=self.authkey and self.authkey[:12] + "...",
        return f"<{type(self).__name__} {', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in kwargs.items() if v)}>"

    def device_id(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        """The device id used in headers."""
        return self.custom_headers.get("x-rpc-device_id")

    def device_id(self, device_id: str) -> None:
        self.custom_headers["x-rpc-device_id"] = device_id

    def device_fp(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        """The device fingerprint used in headers."""
        return self.custom_headers.get("x-rpc-device_fp")

    def device_fp(self, device_fp: str) -> None:
        self.custom_headers["x-rpc-device_fp"] = device_fp

    def hoyolab_id(self) -> typing.Optional[int]:
        """The logged-in user's hoyolab uid.

        Returns None if not found or not applicable.
        return self._hoyolab_id or self.cookie_manager.user_id

    def hoyolab_id(self, hoyolab_id: typing.Optional[int]) -> None:
        if hoyolab_id is None:
            self._hoyolab_id = None

        if self.cookie_manager.multi:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify a hoyolab uid when using multiple cookies.")

        if self.cookie_manager.user_id and hoyolab_id and self.cookie_manager.user_id != hoyolab_id:
            raise ValueError("The provided hoyolab uid does not match the cookie id.")

        self._hoyolab_id = hoyolab_id

    def lang(self) -> str:
        """The default language, defaults to "en-us" """
        return self._lang

    def lang(self, lang: str) -> None:
        if lang not in constants.LANGS:
            raise ValueError(f"{lang} is not a valid language, must be one of: " + ", ".join(constants.LANGS))

        self._lang = lang

    def region(self) -> types.Region:
        """The default region."""
        return self._region

    def region(self, region: str) -> None:
        self._region = types.Region(region)

        if region == types.Region.CHINESE:
            self.lang = "zh-cn"

    def default_game(self) -> typing.Optional[types.Game]:
        """The default game."""
        return self._default_game

    def default_game(self, game: typing.Optional[str]) -> None:
        self._default_game = types.Game(game) if game else None

    game = default_game

    def uid(self) -> typing.Optional[int]:
        """UID of the default game."""
        if self.default_game is None:
            if len(self.uids) != 1:
                return None

            (self.default_game,) = self.uids.keys()

        return self.uids.get(self.default_game)

    def uid(self, uid: typing.Optional[int]) -> None:
        if uid is None:

        self._default_game = self._default_game or utility.recognize_game(uid, region=self.region)
        if self.default_game is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No default game set. Cannot set uid.")

        self.uids[self.default_game] = uid

    def authkey(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        """The default genshin authkey used for paginators."""
        if self.default_game is None:
            if self.authkeys:
                warnings.warn("Tried to get an authkey without a default game set.")

            return None

        return self.authkeys.get(self.default_game)

    def authkey(self, authkey: typing.Optional[str]) -> None:
        if authkey is None:

        authkey = urllib.parse.unquote(authkey)

            base64.b64decode(authkey, validate=True)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError("authkey is not a valid base64 encoded string") from e

        if not self.default_game:
            raise RuntimeError("No default game set. Cannot set authkey with property.")

        self.authkeys[self.default_game] = authkey

    def debug(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the debug logs are being shown in stdout"""
        return logging.getLogger("genshin").level == logging.DEBUG

    def debug(self, debug: bool) -> None:
        level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.NOTSET

    def set_cookies(self, cookies: typing.Optional[managers.AnyCookieOrHeader] = None, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None:
        """Parse and set cookies."""
        if not bool(cookies) ^ bool(kwargs):
            raise TypeError("Cannot use both positional and keyword arguments at once")

        self.cookie_manager = managers.BaseCookieManager.from_cookies(cookies or kwargs)

    def set_browser_cookies(self, browser: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        """Extract cookies from your browser and set them as client cookies.

        Available browsers: chrome, chromium, opera, edge, firefox.
        self.cookie_manager = managers.BaseCookieManager.from_browser_cookies(browser)

    def set_authkey(self, authkey: typing.Optional[str] = None, *, game: typing.Optional[types.Game] = None) -> None:
        """Set an authkey for wish & transaction logs.

        Accepts an authkey, a url containing an authkey or a path towards a logfile.
        if authkey is None or os.path.isfile(authkey):
            authkey = utility.get_authkey(authkey)
            authkey = utility.extract_authkey(authkey) or authkey

        game = game or self.default_game
        if game is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No default game set.")

        self.authkeys[game] = authkey

    def set_cache(
        self, maxsize: int = 1024, *, ttl: int = client_cache.HOUR, static_ttl: int = client_cache.DAY
    ) -> None:
        """Create and set a new cache."""
        self.cache = client_cache.Cache(maxsize, ttl=ttl, static_ttl=static_ttl)

    def set_redis_cache(
        self, url: str, *, ttl: int = client_cache.HOUR, static_ttl: int = client_cache.DAY, **redis_kwargs: typing.Any
    ) -> None:
        """Create and set a new redis cache."""
        import aioredis

        redis = aioredis.Redis.from_url(url, **redis_kwargs)  # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType]
        self.cache = client_cache.RedisCache(redis, ttl=ttl, static_ttl=static_ttl)

    def proxy(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        """Proxy for http requests."""
        if self.cookie_manager.proxy is None:
            return None

        return str(self.cookie_manager.proxy)

    def proxy(self, proxy: typing.Optional[aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL]) -> None:
        self.cookie_manager.proxy = yarl.URL(proxy) if proxy else None

    async def _request_hook(
        method: str,
        url: aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL,
        params: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
        data: typing.Any = None,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> None:
        """Perform an action before a request.

        Debug logging by default.
        url = yarl.URL(url)
        if params:
            params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k != "authkey"}
            url = url.update_query(params)

        if data:
            self.logger.debug("%s %s\n%s", method, url, json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":")))
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", method, url)

    async def request(
        url: aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL,
        method: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        params: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
        data: typing.Any = None,
        headers: typing.Optional[aiohttp.typedefs.LooseHeaders] = None,
        cache: typing.Any = None,
        static_cache: typing.Any = None,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]:
        """Make a request and return a parsed json response."""
        if cache is not None:
            value = await self.cache.get(cache)
            if value is not None:
                return value
        elif static_cache is not None:
            value = await self.cache.get_static(static_cache)
            if value is not None:
                return value

        # actual request

        headers = parse_loose_headers(headers)
        headers["User-Agent"] = self.USER_AGENT

        if method is None:
            method = "POST" if data else "GET"

        if "json" in kwargs:
            raise TypeError("Use data instead of json in request.")

        await self._request_hook(method, url, params=params, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)

        response = await self.cookie_manager.request(
            url, method=method, params=params, json=data, headers=headers, **kwargs

        # cache

        if cache is not None:
            await self.cache.set(cache, response)
        elif static_cache is not None:
            await self.cache.set_static(static_cache, response)

        return response

    async def request_webstatic(
        url: aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL,
        headers: typing.Optional[aiohttp.typedefs.LooseHeaders] = None,
        cache: typing.Any = None,
        region: types.Region = types.Region.OVERSEAS,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> typing.Any:
        """Request a static json file."""
        if cache is not None:
            value = await self.cache.get_static(cache)
            if value is not None:
                return value

        url = routes.WEBSTATIC_URL.get_url(region).join(yarl.URL(url))

        headers = parse_loose_headers(headers)
        headers["User-Agent"] = self.USER_AGENT

        await self._request_hook("GET", url, headers=headers, **kwargs)

        async with self.cookie_manager.create_session() as session:
            async with session.get(url, headers=headers, proxy=self.proxy, **kwargs) as r:
                data = await r.json()

        if cache is not None:
            await self.cache.set_static(cache, data)

        return data

    async def request_bbs(
        url: aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL,
        lang: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        region: typing.Optional[types.Region] = None,
        method: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        params: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
        data: typing.Any = None,
        headers: typing.Optional[aiohttp.typedefs.LooseHeaders] = None,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]:
        """Make a request any bbs endpoint."""
        if lang is not None and lang not in constants.LANGS:
            raise ValueError(f"{lang} is not a valid language, must be one of: " + ", ".join(constants.LANGS))

        lang = lang or self.lang
        region = region or self.region

        url = routes.BBS_URL.get_url(region).join(yarl.URL(url))

        headers = parse_loose_headers(headers)
        headers.update(ds.get_ds_headers(data=data, params=params, region=region, lang=lang or self.lang))
        headers["Referer"] = str(routes.BBS_REFERER_URL.get_url(self.region))

        data = await self.request(url, method=method, params=params, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)
        return data

    async def request_hoyolab(
        url: aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL,
        lang: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        region: typing.Optional[types.Region] = None,
        method: typing.Optional[str] = None,
        params: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
        data: typing.Any = None,
        headers: typing.Optional[aiohttp.typedefs.LooseHeaders] = None,
        **kwargs: typing.Any,
    ) -> typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]:
        """Make a request any hoyolab endpoint."""
        if lang is not None and lang not in constants.LANGS:
            raise ValueError(f"{lang} is not a valid language, must be one of: " + ", ".join(constants.LANGS))

        lang = lang or self.lang
        region = region or self.region

        url = routes.TAKUMI_URL.get_url(region).join(yarl.URL(url))

        headers = parse_loose_headers(headers)
        headers.update(ds.get_ds_headers(data=data, params=params, region=region, lang=lang or self.lang))

        data = await self.request(url, method=method, params=params, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)
        return data

    async def get_game_accounts(
        self, *, lang: typing.Optional[str] = None
    ) -> typing.Sequence[hoyolab_models.GenshinAccount]:
        """Get the game accounts of the currently logged-in user."""
        if self.hoyolab_id is None:
            warnings.warn("No hoyolab id set, caching may be unreliable.")

        data = await self.request_hoyolab(
            cache=client_cache.cache_key("accounts", hoyolab_id=self.hoyolab_id),
        return [hoyolab_models.GenshinAccount(**i) for i in data["list"]]

    async def genshin_accounts(
        self, *, lang: typing.Optional[str] = None
    ) -> typing.Sequence[hoyolab_models.GenshinAccount]:
        """Get the genshin accounts of the currently logged-in user."""
        accounts = await self.get_game_accounts(lang=lang)
        return [account for account in accounts if == types.Game.GENSHIN]

    async def _update_cached_uids(self) -> None:
        """Update cached fallback uids."""
        mixed_accounts = await self.get_game_accounts()

        game_accounts: dict[types.Game, list[hoyolab_models.GenshinAccount]] = {}
        for account in mixed_accounts:
            if not isinstance(, types.Game):  # pyright: ignore[reportUnnecessaryIsInstance]

            game_accounts.setdefault(, []).append(account)

        self.uids = {game: max(accounts, key=lambda a: a.level).uid for game, accounts in game_accounts.items()}

        if len(self.uids) == 1 and self.default_game is None:
            (self.default_game,) = self.uids.keys()

    async def _get_uid(self, game: types.Game) -> int:
        """Get a cached fallback uid."""
        # TODO: use lock
        if uid := self.uids.get(game):
            return uid

        if self.cookie_manager.multi:
            raise RuntimeError("UID must be provided when using multi-cookie managers.")

        await self._update_cached_uids()

        if uid := self.uids.get(game):
            return uid

        raise errors.AccountNotFound(msg="No UID provided and account has no game account bound to it.")

    async def _update_cached_accounts(self) -> None:
        """Update cached fallback accounts."""
        mixed_accounts = await self.get_game_accounts()

        game_accounts: dict[types.Game, list[hoyolab_models.GenshinAccount]] = {}
        for account in mixed_accounts:
            if not isinstance(, types.Game):  # pyright: ignore[reportUnnecessaryIsInstance]

            game_accounts.setdefault(, []).append(account)

        self._accounts = {}
        for game, accounts in game_accounts.items():
            self._accounts[game] = next(
                (acc for acc in accounts if acc.uid == self.uids.get(game)), max(accounts, key=lambda a: a.level)

    async def _get_account(self, game: types.Game) -> hoyolab_models.GenshinAccount:
        """Get a cached fallback account."""
        if (account := self._accounts.get(game)) and (uid := self.uids.get(game)) and account.uid == uid:
            return account

        await self._update_cached_accounts()

        if account := self._accounts.get(game):
            if (uid := self.uids.get(game)) and account.uid != uid:
                raise errors.AccountNotFound(msg="There is no game account with such UID.")

            return account

        raise errors.AccountNotFound(msg="Account has no game account bound to it.")

    def _get_hoyolab_id(self) -> int:
        """Get a cached fallback hoyolab ID."""
        if self.hoyolab_id is not None:
            return self.hoyolab_id

        if self.cookie_manager.multi:
            raise RuntimeError("Hoyolab ID must be provided when using multi-cookie managers.")

        raise RuntimeError("No default hoyolab ID provided.")


  • abc.ABC


Class variables

var logger : logging.Logger

Instance variables

prop authkey : Optional[str]

The default genshin authkey used for paginators.

Expand source code
def authkey(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
    """The default genshin authkey used for paginators."""
    if self.default_game is None:
        if self.authkeys:
            warnings.warn("Tried to get an authkey without a default game set.")

        return None

    return self.authkeys.get(self.default_game)
var authkeys : dict[Game, str]
var cacheBaseCache
var cookie_managerBaseCookieManager
var custom_headers : multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict[str]
prop debug : bool

Whether the debug logs are being shown in stdout

Expand source code
def debug(self) -> bool:
    """Whether the debug logs are being shown in stdout"""
    return logging.getLogger("genshin").level == logging.DEBUG
prop default_game : Optional[Game]

The default game.

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def default_game(self) -> typing.Optional[types.Game]:
    """The default game."""
    return self._default_game
prop device_fp : Optional[str]

The device fingerprint used in headers.

Expand source code
def device_fp(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
    """The device fingerprint used in headers."""
    return self.custom_headers.get("x-rpc-device_fp")
prop device_id : Optional[str]

The device id used in headers.

Expand source code
def device_id(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
    """The device id used in headers."""
    return self.custom_headers.get("x-rpc-device_id")
prop game : Optional[Game]

The default game.

Expand source code
def default_game(self) -> typing.Optional[types.Game]:
    """The default game."""
    return self._default_game
prop hoyolab_id : Optional[int]

The logged-in user's hoyolab uid.

Returns None if not found or not applicable.

Expand source code
def hoyolab_id(self) -> typing.Optional[int]:
    """The logged-in user's hoyolab uid.

    Returns None if not found or not applicable.
    return self._hoyolab_id or self.cookie_manager.user_id
prop lang : str

The default language, defaults to "en-us"

Expand source code
def lang(self) -> str:
    """The default language, defaults to "en-us" """
    return self._lang
prop proxy : Optional[str]

Proxy for http requests.

Expand source code
def proxy(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
    """Proxy for http requests."""
    if self.cookie_manager.proxy is None:
        return None

    return str(self.cookie_manager.proxy)
prop regionRegion

The default region.

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def region(self) -> types.Region:
    """The default region."""
    return self._region
prop uid : Optional[int]

UID of the default game.

Expand source code
def uid(self) -> typing.Optional[int]:
    """UID of the default game."""
    if self.default_game is None:
        if len(self.uids) != 1:
            return None

        (self.default_game,) = self.uids.keys()

    return self.uids.get(self.default_game)
var uids : dict[Game, int]


async def genshin_accounts(self, *, lang: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Sequence[GenshinAccount]

Get the genshin accounts of the currently logged-in user.


This function is deprecated and will be removed in the following version. You can use get_game_accounts instead.

async def get_game_accounts(self, *, lang: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Sequence[GenshinAccount]

Get the game accounts of the currently logged-in user.

async def request(self, url: Union[str, yarl.URL], *, method: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, data: Any = None, headers: Union[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[multidict._multidict.istr, str], multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict, multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, multidict._multidict.istr], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, cache: Any = None, static_cache: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Mapping[str, Any]

Make a request and return a parsed json response.

async def request_bbs(self, url: Union[str, yarl.URL], *, lang: Optional[str] = None, region: Optional[Region] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, data: Any = None, headers: Union[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[multidict._multidict.istr, str], multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict, multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, multidict._multidict.istr], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Mapping[str, Any]

Make a request any bbs endpoint.

async def request_hoyolab(self, url: Union[str, yarl.URL], *, lang: Optional[str] = None, region: Optional[Region] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, data: Any = None, headers: Union[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[multidict._multidict.istr, str], multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict, multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, multidict._multidict.istr], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Mapping[str, Any]

Make a request any hoyolab endpoint.

async def request_webstatic(self, url: Union[str, yarl.URL], *, headers: Union[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[multidict._multidict.istr, str], multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict, multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, multidict._multidict.istr], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, cache: Any = None, region: Region = Region.OVERSEAS, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any

Request a static json file.

def set_authkey(self, authkey: Optional[str] = None, *, game: Optional[Game] = None) ‑> None

Set an authkey for wish & transaction logs.

Accepts an authkey, a url containing an authkey or a path towards a logfile.

def set_browser_cookies(self, browser: Optional[str] = None) ‑> None

Extract cookies from your browser and set them as client cookies.

Available browsers: chrome, chromium, opera, edge, firefox.

def set_cache(self, maxsize: int = 1024, *, ttl: int = 3600, static_ttl: int = 86400) ‑> None

Create and set a new cache.

def set_cookies(self, cookies: Union[ForwardRef('http.cookies.BaseCookie[Any]'), Mapping[Any, Any], str, Sequence[Union[ForwardRef('http.cookies.BaseCookie[Any]'), Mapping[Any, Any], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, **kwargs: Any)

Parse and set cookies.

def set_redis_cache(self, url: str, *, ttl: int = 3600, static_ttl: int = 86400, **redis_kwargs: Any) ‑> None

Create and set a new redis cache.