Module genshin.client.components.auth.subclients.web
Web sub client for AuthClient.
Covers HoYoLAB and Miyoushe web auth endpoints.
class WebAuthClient (cookies: Union[ForwardRef('http.cookies.BaseCookie[Any]'), Mapping[Any, Any], str, Sequence[Union[ForwardRef('http.cookies.BaseCookie[Any]'), Mapping[Any, Any], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, *, authkey: Optional[str] = None, lang: str = 'en-us', region: Region = Region.OVERSEAS, proxy: Optional[str] = None, game: Optional[Game] = None, uid: Optional[int] = None, hoyolab_id: Optional[int] = None, device_id: Optional[str] = None, device_fp: Optional[str] = None, headers: Union[Mapping[str, str], Mapping[multidict._multidict.istr, str], multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict, multidict._multidict.CIMultiDictProxy, Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, multidict._multidict.istr], str]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, cache: Optional[BaseCache] = None, debug: bool = False)
Web sub client for AuthClient.
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class WebAuthClient(base.BaseClient): """Web sub client for AuthClient.""" @typing.overload async def _os_web_login( # noqa: D102 missing docstring in overload? self, account: str, password: str, *, encrypted: bool = ..., token_type: typing.Optional[int] = ..., mmt_result: SessionMMTResult, ) -> WebLoginResult: ... @typing.overload async def _os_web_login( # noqa: D102 missing docstring in overload? self, account: str, password: str, *, encrypted: bool = ..., token_type: typing.Optional[int] = ..., mmt_result: None = ..., ) -> typing.Union[SessionMMT, WebLoginResult]: ... @base.region_specific(types.Region.OVERSEAS) async def _os_web_login( self, account: str, password: str, *, encrypted: bool = False, token_type: typing.Optional[int] = 6, mmt_result: typing.Optional[SessionMMTResult] = None, ) -> typing.Union[SessionMMT, WebLoginResult]: """Login with a password using web endpoint. Returns either data from aigis header or cookies. """ headers = {**auth_utility.WEB_LOGIN_HEADERS} if mmt_result: headers["x-rpc-aigis"] = mmt_result.to_aigis_header() payload = { "account": account if encrypted else auth_utility.encrypt_credentials(account, 1), "password": password if encrypted else auth_utility.encrypt_credentials(password, 1), "token_type": token_type, } async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with routes.WEB_LOGIN_URL.get_url(), json=payload, headers=headers, ) as r: data = await r.json() cookies = {cookie.key: cookie.value for cookie in r.cookies.values()} if data["retcode"] == -3101: # Captcha triggered aigis = json.loads(r.headers["x-rpc-aigis"]) return SessionMMT(**aigis) if not data["data"]: errors.raise_for_retcode(data) if data["data"].get("stoken"): cookies["stoken"] = data["data"]["stoken"] self.set_cookies(cookies) return WebLoginResult(**cookies) @typing.overload async def _cn_web_login( # noqa: D102 missing docstring in overload? self, account: str, password: str, *, encrypted: bool = ..., mmt_result: SessionMMTResult, ) -> CNWebLoginResult: ... @typing.overload async def _cn_web_login( # noqa: D102 missing docstring in overload? self, account: str, password: str, *, encrypted: bool = ..., mmt_result: None = ..., ) -> typing.Union[SessionMMT, CNWebLoginResult]: ... @base.region_specific(types.Region.CHINESE) async def _cn_web_login( self, account: str, password: str, *, encrypted: bool = False, mmt_result: typing.Optional[SessionMMTResult] = None, ) -> typing.Union[SessionMMT, CNWebLoginResult]: """ Login with account and password using Miyoushe loginByPassword endpoint. Returns data from aigis header or cookies. """ headers = { **auth_utility.CN_LOGIN_HEADERS, "ds": ds_utility.generate_dynamic_secret(constants.DS_SALT["cn_signin"]), } if mmt_result: headers["x-rpc-aigis"] = mmt_result.to_aigis_header() payload = { "account": account if encrypted else auth_utility.encrypt_credentials(account, 2), "password": password if encrypted else auth_utility.encrypt_credentials(password, 2), } async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with routes.CN_WEB_LOGIN_URL.get_url(), json=payload, headers=headers, ) as r: data = await r.json() if data["retcode"] == -3102: # Captcha triggered aigis = json.loads(r.headers["x-rpc-aigis"]) return SessionMMT(**aigis) if not data["data"]: errors.raise_for_retcode(data) cookies = {cookie.key: cookie.value for cookie in r.cookies.values()} self.set_cookies(cookies) return CNWebLoginResult(**cookies) async def _send_mobile_otp( self, mobile: str, *, encrypted: bool = False, mmt_result: typing.Optional[SessionMMTResult] = None, ) -> typing.Union[None, SessionMMTv4]: """Attempt to send OTP to the provided mobile number. May return aigis headers if captcha is triggered, None otherwise. """ headers = { **auth_utility.CN_LOGIN_HEADERS, "ds": ds_utility.generate_dynamic_secret(constants.DS_SALT["cn_signin"]), } if mmt_result: headers["x-rpc-aigis"] = mmt_result.to_aigis_header() payload = { "mobile": mobile if encrypted else auth_utility.encrypt_credentials(mobile, 2), "area_code": auth_utility.encrypt_credentials("+86", 2), } async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with routes.MOBILE_OTP_URL.get_url(), json=payload, headers=headers, ) as r: data = await r.json() if data["retcode"] == -3101: # Captcha triggered aigis = json.loads(r.headers["x-rpc-aigis"]) return SessionMMTv4(**aigis) if not data["data"]: errors.raise_for_retcode(data) return None async def _login_with_mobile_otp(self, mobile: str, otp: str, *, encrypted: bool = False) -> MobileLoginResult: """Login with OTP and mobile number. Returns cookies if OTP matches the one sent, raises an error otherwise. """ headers = { **auth_utility.CN_LOGIN_HEADERS, "ds": ds_utility.generate_dynamic_secret(constants.DS_SALT["cn_signin"]), } payload = { "mobile": mobile if encrypted else auth_utility.encrypt_credentials(mobile, 2), "area_code": auth_utility.encrypt_credentials("+86", 2), "captcha": otp, } async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with routes.MOBILE_LOGIN_URL.get_url(), json=payload, headers=headers, ) as r: data = await r.json() if not data["data"]: errors.raise_for_retcode(data) cookies = {cookie.key: cookie.value for cookie in r.cookies.values()} self.set_cookies(cookies) return MobileLoginResult(**cookies)
- BaseClient
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var logger : logging.Logger
Instance variables
var authkeys : dict[Game, str]
var cache : BaseCache
var custom_headers : multidict._multidict.CIMultiDict[str]
var uids : dict[Game, int]
Inherited members