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The API supports several languages. You can set what language you want the response to be in by either changing the client language client.lang or passing the language as a method argument.

The default language is en-us for overseas and zh-cn for china.

client = genshin.Client(lang="fr-fr")
# or
client = genshin.Client()
user = await client.get_genshin_user(710785423, lang="zh-cn")

Supported Languages

Code Language
de-de Deutsch
en-us English
es-es Español
fr-fr Français
id-id Indonesia
ja-jp 日本語
ko-kr 한국어
pt-pt Português
ru-ru Pусский
th-th ภาษาไทย
vi-vn Tiếng Việt
zh-cn 简体中文
zh-tw 繁體中文

This mapping is contained in genshin.LANGS

Character Name Language

Some genshin endpoints fail to return character names. therefore fetches character names from a 3rd party database. By default the enka repository is used but others can be chosen. These functions only need to be ran once on startup.

Function Source Notes
await genshin.utility.update_characters_genshindata() GenshinData Source of data for all other 3rd party services, has to downloads >20MB per language to be used
await genshin.utility.update_characters_enka() EnkaNetwork Repository updates take a while, not reliable right after a genshin update
await genshin.utility.update_characters_ambr() Project Amber Uses a 3rd party API that may be subject to change, does a unique request for every language

By default Client uses a single cookie. This behavior may be changed by overwriting client.cookie_manager with a subclass of BaseCookieManager.

For convenience, if a list of cookies is passed into Client.set_cookies the cookie manager will be automatically set to genshin.RotatingCookieManager.


import genshin

class RandomCookieManager(genshin.BaseCookieManager):
    """Cookie Manager that provides random cookies fetched from a database."""

    def __init__(self, database):
        self.database = database

    async def request(self, url, *, method = "GET", **kwargs):
        cookies = await self.database.get_random_cookies()
        return await self._request(method, url, cookies=cookies, **kwargs)

When providing data for both cn and os players you might want to share the same client for them and in extension things like the cache. To achieve that you have to set cookies for all regions with InternationalCookieManager.

client.cookie_manager = genshin.InternationalCookieManager({
    genshin.Region.OVESEAS: [{...}, ...],
    genshin.Region.CHINESE: [{...}, ...],

Cached UIDs

Some endpoints require a uid despite being private. chooses to fetch and cache these uids instead of forcing users to provide it themselves. This may however cause some obvious performance issues, so it is recommended to set the uids yourself in case you cannot afford to always have an extra delay when creating a new client.

client = genshin.Client(game=genshin.Game.GENSHIN)

client.uid = 710785423

You can set a UID for a specific game if there's no default game set.

client.uids[genshin.Game.GENSHIN] = 710785423
client.uids[genshin.Game.HONKAI] = 200476231

Default Region

By default all requests will be assumed to be meant to be used with overseas cookies. If you wish to use chinese cookies and chinese endpoints you must change the default region.

client = genshin.Client(region=genshin.Region.CHINESE)

client.region = genshin.Region.CHINESE

Default Game

Some endpoints may be the exact same for both genshin and honkai so they require a game to be specified. This can be also done by setting a default game for the client.

client = genshin.Client(game=genshin.Game.HONKAI)

client.default_game = genshin.Game.HONKAI


Some endpoints may block chinese IPs. Setting up a proxy in this case is recommended.

For more information, check out the aiohttp docs.

client = genshin.Client(proxy="")

client.proxy = ""