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CLI is not only a library but also a CLI app.

Authentication is required for most commands. Cookies can be provided either through --cookies "ltoken=...; ltuid=..." or gotten implicitly from the browser.


pip install genshin[cli]


Get help

$ python -m genshin --help
Usage: python -m genshin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  accounts    Get all of your genshin accounts.
  banner-ids  Get the banner ids from logs.
  genshin     Genshin-related commands.
  honkai      Honkai-related commands.
  lineups     Show popular genshin lineups.
  login       Login with a password.
  pity        Calculate the amount of pulls until pity.
  wishes      Show a nicely formatted wish history.

Run a command

$ python -m genshin genshin stats 710785423
User stats of 710785423

Achievements: 436
Days Active: 464
Characters: 33
Waypoints Unlocked: 169
Domains Unlocked: 33
Anemoculi: 66
Geoculi: 131
Electroculi: 180
Common Chests Opened: 1162
Exquisite Chests Opened: 924
Precious Chests Opened: 262
Luxurious Chests Opened: 106
Remarkable Chests Opened: 42

Enkanomiya: explored 67.9% | Offering level 0
Inazuma: explored 98.1% | Reputation level 10
Dragonspine: explored 96.1% | Offering level 12
Liyue: explored 93.5% | Reputation level 8
Mondstadt: explored 100.0% | Reputation level 8

level 10 | comfort 21220 (Fit for a King)
Unlocked realms: Floating Abode, Emerald Peak, Cool Isle